INAPPLAB OÜ التطبيقات

AstroMe Horoscope, Palm Reader 1.240
Get daily horoscopes, palm reader, love compatibility. DownloadHoroscope App!
Calorie Calculator+ by FoodFly 1.129
Find food calories through food pictures taken on this caloriefinder app.
Breathee - Breathing exercises 1.042
START BREATHING DEEPLY & HEALTHY Daily performance of thisBreathing exercises for 5 minutes a day will help: - Reduce therisk of respiratory diseases and prevent the development ofcomplications after pneumonia; - Increase the vital capacity of thelungs and improve gas exchange; - Restore and improve theefficiency of breathing; - Training the physiological patterns ofexhalation and inhalation; - Strengthen the respiratory and axialmuscles; - Increase the overall tone and resistance of the body.⠀Breathing exercises are suitable for people of all ages, and alsodo not require special physical training and additional equipment.Practice only 5 minutes a day, and you will see that it will becomemuch easier to breathe deeply. Regular performance of the simplestbreathing exercises improves ventilation of the lung tissue,restores impaired lung functions, minimizes the risk of formationof adhesions, accumulation of mucus and pus in the lungs andbronchi. All this will allow you to recover faster after theillness. We offer to perform several simple exercises oftherapeutic and respiratory gymnastics for recovery. The two mainsecrets of respiratory gymnastics: * breathing should be rhythmic,uniform and as deep as possible. * it is desirable to inhalethrough the nose. These exercises can be done both at home and atwork. It is best to perform them for three minutes 3-4 times a day,increasing the duration of one approach over time. But the trainingshould not last longer than 10 minutes. The Breathe app will helpyou use your breath for the benefit of your body, mind and spirit.If you want to learn how to overcome anxiety and stressimmediately, calmly and even without the need to physically isolateyourself from others, then this application is for you! STARTLIVING CONSCIOUSLY Stress, panic and anxiety are part of everydaymodern life, and the longer they are ignored, the worse theybecome. While some people are lucky enough to find their own innerpeace, most simply pretend that everything is fine until theseproblems lead to more serious health problems, such as heartcomplications, respiratory disorders or panic attacks. Functions ofthe respiratory application - 4-7-8 breathing and equal breathingexerices - Beautiful visualization of breathing in full-screen mode- 6 breathing exercises to calm down and meditate - Quit smokingtraining - Weight loss breathing - Increase awareness - Meditativenatural music - A healthy sleep cycle - Stress relief - Deepbreathing - Breathing Yoga - Breathing for self-care - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Relax, calm down and clear your mind with the help of breathingexercises!
Pro Hashtags for Instagram
Pro Hashtags - hashtags for Instagram / Tik-Tok
Breathing exercises - Breathee 1.026
Balance your mind, body, and soul with the most effective breathingexercises!
Facial exercises by FaceFly 1.085
Our facial exercises will help you get a young andnaturallybeautiful face!
SCOUT - Family GPS Locator 1.043
SCOUT allows you to stay in touch with your family membersduringthe day.
FishTracker 1.079
Find your path anywhere